
Performances are free and open to participants.
You can learn more about the concerts and musicians below.

Dinner music & After Hours

We have two kinds of performances, Dinner Music and After Hours, that are intentionally designed to foster creativity and community. In hopes that you'll engage with these musical performances with more than just your ears and eyes, we've provided some food, drink and decorum suggestions to accompany your evening entertainment...


Emily Baltzer - MONDAY

Missed Emily's performances? Watch them here.

Jared Kay - TUESDAY

Missed Jared's performance? Watch it here.

Andrea Sheppard - WEDNESDAY

Missed Andrea's performance? Watch it here.

Nate Sheppard - WEDNESDAY

Missed Nate's performance? Watch it here.

Jordan Sellergren - THURSDAY

Missed Jordan's performance? Watch it here.


Missed Brett's performance? Watch it here.

Emily Baltzer
Jared Kay
Andrea Sheppard
Nate Sheppard
Jordan Sellergren
Brett Winters